This 21-Day Warrior Challenge will provide you with instructions for structured eating, meal suggestions for each day, prayer prompts and scriptures for meditation. You will also receive a printable journal to record your thoughts and support and coaching throughout the 21-days.
This program addresses all 3 parts of your being: Soul, Body, and Spirit. Emerge renewed and energized ready to take on life with a whole new perspective.
Soul: Our fleshly desires..Well this is where it all starts. If we can get or soul to obey and change its desires then all the other parts will follow suit. So this is where we start in this program. We will pray, declare, and learn to let go of the ties that bind us. A mindset reset is key to living your God blessed life and truly being able to walk in the spirit.
Body: Learn how to take better care of this temple God gave you. You are not going to be what you eat, temptation for all of us can lead to body aches, pains, and sickness. We will uncover what’s actually eating you, build the strength to say no, and do what you know you are supposed to anyway. Then, you will be able to eat what your body actually needs to sustain, and fulfill your calling in a healthier body. New habits were formed, taste-buds have been changed, blood sugars have been balanced, and weight has been lost on this program.
Spirit: Do you still wonder, why you are here? Only God can answer and we want to press in to be able to hear answers from him on the things that matter to us. This is why we pray. Over the 21 days, we will tackle 7 major points and seek Gods face for each, in 3 day cycles.You can of course, pray on other topics on any of these days as the need arises or the Lord leads you, but we will start with the prayer points as a guide.
Along the way you will also discover what eating habits you need to adopt for best results The intention is for you to emerge from this fast having grown in your faith, your personal relationship with God, and have confidence in prayer and fasting. You are strong enough to complete these fasts, but your enemy would love for you to believe you can’t, so this is one of the first things we will focus on starting day one.
Are you ready to change your life from the inside out? Join the challenge today!
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